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JAC Building and Engineering is a family business oriented on safety, quality and customer servi​ce.  We are here to help your vision become a reality.

Luc Buisson​

Luc Buisson, the president of JAC Building and Engineering, has been working in the construction industry for over 28 years. Luc started his career stocking construction materials at 18 years old and through hard work and dedication, quickly worked his way up to supervisory roles in various fields of the construction industry, from building to electrical and plumbing. For the past 15 years, Luc has worked as a Project Manager in custom construction. Luc has extensive experience managing custom construction from greenfield sites to final Certificate of Occupancy (final completion) and through the warranty period, including managing design efforts, soil studies, permitting, foundations, building structure, roofing, interiors, and finishes. Luc has his Building Contractor's license and fulfills his passion of building dreams.

Cynthia Buisson​

Cynthia Buisson is a Florida licensed Professional Engineer and has been working as an engineer since she graduated with her Master’s degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering in 2011. Cynthia has worked in the construction / project management industry for over 18 years, in fields ranging from materials testing, environmental assessments, capital improvement projects, public works and utilities. Cynthia has experience in various fields of civil and environmental engineering including Environmental Assessments, Water and Wastewater Treatment, Water and Wastewater storage and transmission and stormwater.

Duke Buisson​

Duke Buisson is the heart and pulse of our happy family.  Duke is 7 year old Beauceron that has been a "Buisson" since he was a year and a half old and blended right into our outdoorsy nature.  He loves long walks in the park and anything bacon flavored.  He supports both of us in everything we do and we are thankful to have him in our family.

Contact at (Kidding, he doesn't work, he mostly just freeloads off us)

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